Strike Anywhere helps Facebook Launch New Camera System

05 - 2017

Facebook launched a new in-app camera that is packed with dozens of effects to help you share your story with style.

You can access camera by tapping the camera icon in the top left corner of the Facebook app, or swipe right from News Feed. You’ll be able to apply masks, frames or effects like falling now, special movie partner effects or one of a kind effects from well known artists. The effects will change and be updated on a regular basis, you can even create your own.

You’ll be able to share your photos and videos directly to selected friends, or broadcast to all your friends in the stories section, at the top of app.

The launch content was incubated and executed by Strike Anywhere’s creative studio. The videos landed millions of unique global impressions during the first week of launch across social media and traditional media outlets.


Ryan Simon’s documentary The Black Jacket, now available on Netflix.